Aims of the DJJV
The DJJV, founded in 1988 pursues exclusively non-profit-making purposes. It is a non-partisan association represented in Germany and Japan, which has set for itself the goal of strengthening the cooperation of German and Japanese lawyers of all professions and to deepen mutual knowledge of the respective legal systems; to provide a forum for academics and legal practitioners to exchange ideas thereby allowing academic knowledge and practical experiences from both countries to be put to use/ to be harnessed; to maintain and promote personal and professional contacts as well as the cooperation of legal persons and institutions interested in the German and Japanese law.
These objectives are to be realized through lectures, academic events, the publication of the Journal of Japanese Law and a Series of publications with the Japanese law as a priority as well as generally by promoting work on issues that are relevant and important to the legal systems of both countries.
The association regularly informs its members about new Japanese laws, essential decisions of the courts and other information worth knowing in the association’s field of work. Furthermore, the association organizes lecture evenings in irregular sequence, in different cities and also organizes comparative law Symposiums.
The association currently has about 700 people, companies and institutions in Germany, Japan and other countries as members.