Here you can find links to partners of the DJJV and other institutions.
- Journal ZJapanR / J.Japan.L
the newest editon of the journal ZJapanR / J.Japan.L.
- Max Planck Institute for comparative and international private law (MPI), Hamburg
co-editor of the journal for Japanese law
- The Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL)
a cooperating partner organization of DJJV
- American Society of Comparativ Law (ASCL)
DJJV is a corresponding foreign institutional Member of the ASCL
- Japan Juristen Österreichs (J-Law)
a cooperating partner organization of DJJV
Lawyers’ Associations
- German-American Lawyers’ Association (DAJV)
- German-French Lawyers’ Association (DFJ)
- German-Swiss Lawyers’ Association (DSJV)
Other Links
- Fernuniversität in Hagen, Institut für Internationale Rechtsbeziehungen, Abteilung für Japanisches Recht
- German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (DIHKJ)
- German-Japanese Society for Labor Law (DJGA)
- Asian Law Centre
at the University of Melbourne / Melbourne Law School
- Japanese Law Translation
Japanese Law Translation is a website operated by the Ministry of Justice that provides translations of Japanese laws and regulations.
- Executive Training Programme of the EU for Japan and Korea
- The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme (JET)
KOordinationsstelle für PRAktika
- EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation